Forthcoming events

Workshop: People of the Book, People of Books:

This workshop aims to supplement and expand on Erich Auerbach’s Mimesis, addressing how faith and fiction sip into perceptions and
representations of historical reality. Papers will focus on the Qur’an as literature (responding to Auerbach’s reading of the Bible as literature); medieval women’s literature; Arnold and Swinburne’s relation to the Bible; Wilhelm Jensen’s Gradiva and Sigmund Freud's Moses; Samuel Beckett and quietism; Amos Oz and Christianity.

Workshop featuring Dr. Tali Artman, Prof. Patricia Dailey, Prof. Efe Khayyat, Dr. Laura Kilbride, Prof. Michael Levine & Dr. Andy Wimbush
Wednesday, June 13, 201811:30am-6:00pm
Woolf Institute, Madingley Road
Cambridge CB3 0UB
To register, contact:

Past Events

Public day course: 'One Day, One Novel: Samuel Beckett's Murphy', at the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, 21 April 2017. More information.

Lecture: 'The Undiscovered Country: A Tour of the Afterlife with Samuel Beckett' at the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, International Summer Schools. 14 July 2017.

Course: 'Matters of Life and Death: 21st Century Fiction' at the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, International Summer Schools. 10 July 2017 to 14 July 2017. More information.

Conference Presentation: 'perhaps a way out': The soteriology of Samuel Beckett's late prose'. Presented as part of a panel on 'Beckett and Bondage' at the British Association of Modernist Studies 2017 conference, University of Birmingham, 29 June 2017.

Conference Presentation: ‘Transgressive Compassion: Samuel Beckett’s How It Is and the Natural Order’. Presented at ‘Beckett and Politics’, University of Reading, 3-4 November 2016.

Conference Presentation: ‘Omnipotence and Omniscience’: Beckett’s Joyce vs. Beckett’s Gide from Dream of Fair to Middling Women to Molloy, paper presented at 'Beckett and Modernism', the second conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, University of Antwerp, 27-30 April 2016.

Conference Presentation: 'Against the Latin Mind: Beckett's quietism as an European and anti-European phenomenon', paper presented at the Beckett and Europe Conference, University of Reading, 28-29 October 2015.

Lecture: 'Nothing is funnier than unhappiness: Approaching Beckett's tragicomic vision', Institute for Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, 31 July 2015.